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Mickey Jannol: Good morning Karl Geber. This is a great account of the Valley Glen Community Park (proper name formerly known as Erwin Street Park). We've lived 800 feet south of the Park since 2000 and can validate information you published. In fact, your statement about 1 bench having to be removed from the Park due to a neighbor's complaint is very real. The footing for the bench remains but the bench was removed due to homeowner Claire Givens' complaint that the bench was to close to her home. As new benches and tables were added, we measured the distance between Claire's house and the removed bench and found it do 130 feet. Claire told us she would have no objection to benches beyond 130 feet from her house. So, we based on this account, we call this "Claire;s 130 foot line." Claire has passed on but she was a great neighbor to us. We should talk. I can be reached at or at 818.613.6311 @ 06/16/2024 11:40am
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